Program Management Oversight for Metra Capital Program

Program Management Oversight for Metra Capital Program

Rail & Transit
Program Management
Chicago, IL

Metra is investing approximately $2.5 billion in a 5-year Capital Program (2020-2024) of which infrastructure improvements are a significant component. The Capital Program focuses on renewing existing rail infrastructure and facilities, bringing them to a state of good repair. Certain new facilities may also be required to provide Metra with added capabilities to operate transit service. The Capital Program projects are in various stages of development, planning and implementation. A significant number of projects have been under consideration for months or years and are already in the planning, preliminary design or implementation phases. Other projects have yet to undergo detailed planning and integration into the Capital Program, while some potential projects may need to be identified in order to meet a specific request.

Ardmore Roderick (AR) is providing Program Management Oversight (PMO) services for the current 5-year Capital Program as a subconsultant to WSP. The PMO delivers multidisciplinary expertise in planning and engineering to assist Metra with oversight of various phases of the Capital Program. Ardmore Roderick will be leading the team in Quality Management and Oversight of Capital Construction Projects.

The Metra PMO team’s quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) approach to Project Development and Construction Oversight is based on a total quality management model consisting of quality planning, quality improvement, and quality control. This applies to the work we perform as Metra’s PMO, but quality is also integral to the work we oversee as PMO. Ardmore Roderick uses a quality system that combines the traditional practices of QA/QC with the additional benefits of continuous quality improvement. We specifically review the work of ThirdParty consultants and contractors for Metra to ensure the quality of the deliverables prepared, make certain they meet required objectives, standards, and specifications, and construction is executed in a manner that will meet Metra’s project requirements.

AR also serves as a technical lead on all major construction projects, assisting Metra with solving complex construction issues such as the preferred implementation method (e.g., in-house forces, design-build, design-bid-build), track access, work phasing, assisting with the preparation of cost estimates for in-house labor required to support projects, as well as independent order of magnitude costs for construction change modifications and change orders.

Because many of Metra’s Capital projects are on Class 1 railroad corridors with both freight and passenger operations, close coordination during construction with rail operations and other rail properties is vital. As part of Ardmore Roderick’s responsibility, we are also Operations/Interface Manager for the Capital Program. AR assists in reviewing and coordinating construction activities across the Capital Program, which include work by Metra’s Class 1 rail partners, Metra’s own forces, village station contractors, and Metra’s third-party contractors. As Operations/Interface Manager, AR provides recommendations on managing resources to ensure the availability of track time and railroad flaggers to coordinate construction with rail operations, facilitate utility coordination and interface with state and local officials on regulatory oversight and permitting.