Illinois State Toll Highway Authority Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE)

Energy & Utilities
Subsurface Utility Engineering
Chicago, IL

Ardmore Roderick performed a 5-year Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) contract (RR-13-4154) for the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority for Phase II utility locating and relocation services throughout the Tollway system.

Our team expertly located existing utilities, documented their horizontal and vertical locations, and plotted all underground facilities in potential areas of conflict. We obtained Quality Level (QL) A-D SUE and performed rigorous QC/QA of the data, which was then provided to design engineers to develop final plans for proposed roadway improvements.

Ardmore Roderick performed daily coordination and oversight of utility locator scheduling, managed SUE excavation contractors, and coordinated and supervised traffic control, survey, and general labor subcontractors. We worked closely with various client and agency representatives, including the Illinois Department of Transportation, Cook County Department of Transportation, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, local municipalities, ComEd, NICOR, and other affected utilities, to secure all necessary permits and approvals.

Throughout the project, which included more than 850 QL-A locates, Ardmore Roderick continually refined our SUE processes and developed a uniform Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) manual for all contract work activities.