Illinois State Toll Highway Authority General Engineering Consultant (GEC)

Illinois State Toll Highway Authority General Engineering Consultant (GEC)

Highway and Road Design
ITS Design
Program Management
Structural Engineering
Chicago, IL

Ardmore Roderick is part of the team on the Illinois Tollway’s General Engineering Consultant (GEC) contract, which ensures that the 296 miles of interstate highways within the Tollway system are maintained in good condition and that annual reports are provided to Tollway stakeholders.

Our personnel are assigned to several key tasks on the GEC team:

Inspections: Two inspectors conduct regular inspections of the Tollway’s system. One inspector co-leads the evaluation of non-structural elements (roadway, guardrail, drainage ditches and structures, ROW fence, noise wall, etc.), while the other focuses on reviewing bridges, retaining walls, and overhead sign structures. Their findings, along with drone videos, are documented and summarized in the preparation of the Tollway’s Annual Report.

CAD Management: Our CAD Manager reviews plan submittals for conformity with Tollway CAD Standards, manages electronic plan submittals on E-Builder for reviews by the GEC and Tollway staff, updates the CAD Standards and Guidance Manual, and annually updates Tollway Standards and Base Sheets for all disciplines.

Project Controls: A Project Controls Assistant develops internal schedules for the GEC and records and summarizes the time expended by GEC personnel per task.

Systemwide Coordination: The Systemwide Coordination Manager tracks the status of the Tollway’s Design Upon Request (DUR) and Construction Management Upon Request (CMUR) consultants, including budgets, task submittal schedules, and recommending new assignments.

ITS Management: Our ITS Manager performs plan reviews and updates the standards and specifications for the Tollway’s Intelligent Transportation System (CCTV cameras, dynamic message signs, road weather information stations, weigh-in-motion detectors, vehicle detection system elements) to assist in managing traffic.

Fiber Optic Management: Our Fiber Optic Manager oversees the design and construction of the Tollway’s Fiber Optic system, updates standards and specifications, determines the preferred alignment of new fiber optic runs, and manages the connections of various elements to the system.

Ardmore Roderick’s comprehensive involvement ensures the successful maintenance and improvement of the Illinois Tollway system.