Chicago-O'Hare International Airport Runway 4R-22L Rehabilitation

Chicago-O'Hare International Airport Runway 4R-22L Rehabilitation

Program Management
Chicago, IL

Ardmore Roderick was tasked with the design and construction of the rehabilitation of Runway 4R-22L and the adjacent taxiways. The construction included pavement removal and replacement of the existing runway surface and the necessary striping, grooving and LED lighting installation. The work area included portions of Taxiway D and Taxiway Y5 within the Runway Object Free Area (OFA). This was a fast-paced reconstruction of one of the airport’s two crosswind runways delivered by the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) delivery method. Mill and overlay projects are not typically delivered via CMAR, however the tight window for procurement of this work as well as the need to return this runway to service to adhere to the “fly quiet” constraints made this the more favorable method for the city. By utilizing the CMAR delivery, Ardmore Roderick was able to bid alternates for day vs. night work, complete closures vs. shift work and variations of those schedules. Due to the reduction in daily flights at the peak of COVID-19, the team was able to completely shut down the runway and save considerable costs in the process. Ardmore Roderick’s Project Manager negotiated the Guaranteed Max Price contract (GMP) and served as Senior Project Manager on the project which was completed on time and under budget in 2021.